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John and Yoko entering the Plaza Athénée Hotel in Paris, just arrived from their wedding in Gibaltrar – Photographed by Luis Garrido (1969)

"In 1969, I was 24 years old and I was in Paris to study photography. I used to do gigs, photographing for Brazilian vernissages, taking pictures of the streets It was a chore here and there to survive. I used to frequent the branch of Manchete magazine, which was in front of Plaza Athénée, one of the fanciest hotels in Paris. I used to go there a lot, at Manchete. I was often publicizing myself, looking for work."
This is the story as told by Luiz Garrido, one of the most important and influential Brazilian photojournalists. Journalists know the importance of being in the right place at the right time. Photojournalists, then, don't even talk about it. They live this circumstance intensely. However, these are just two of the variables of a complex job that, at a given moment, uses an eye and a finger to define a moment.
This moment has quite different characteristics and emotions for professionals like Cartier Bresson and Ansel Adams. But both are fully aware of the meaning of those moments. On a given day in 1969, Garrido was in the right place at the right time. He had traded an economics course for a photography course and had a Nikon F and three lenses. He knew how to enjoy this moment. That is the story that you will see in this exhibition.
A story that is supported by Garrido's sensitivity, competence and erudition. And as he usually says: "This is an advice for young photographers: study, study hard, study art, literature, cinema, go to museums, galleries, read, always read.
The equipment is an addendum, an accessory. You can use any equipment. But the important thing is your eye. Technique is necessary for you to materialize your creativity."
Ruach invites you to discover the fascinating experience of a brilliant photojournalist at the beginning of his career and who left an important record for posterity.
Yoko Ono serving tea to photographer at Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam during Bed in for Peace journey.

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